"You are the sky - Everything else is just the weather."
-Pema Chodron
That quote seems especially fitting as we are all learn to live with the pandemic. It’s important we remind ourselves that the difficulties, fears, and stress we are all facing… those things come and go in our lives. We need to remember we are bigger than what is going on around us. We will all experience times that are beautiful and times that are challenging.
And times when we need help.
It’s not easy to acknowledge the need for help. It’s even harder to ask for it. Even if we muster the strength to ask for it, it often feels uncomfortable to accept it. I think that’s just in our nature. To be independent, strong, stoic, etc. Those are all qualities revered in our society. But the reality is, life can be challenging, painful and overwhelming at times. It’s ok. We can (and should) ask for help when we need it. There are people and organizations that are there for all of us.
Not asking for help can create a sense of isolation that can become unhealthy, and even dangerous. For people with depression or anxiety, feelings of isolation can make their conditions worse, or even critical in nature.
For people in recovery from addiction, isolation can be a warning sign before a relapse.
We don’t need to handle everything alone.
There are regional and national hotlines, there are vast networks of community resources, and there are places to get food, shelter, emergency medicine, financial assistance, and more.
I would recommend making a list of people you can call or phone numbers of hotlines that could be useful before you actually need them. Keep the list by the phone or if you have a smartphone, take a picture of it so you have a copy with you at all times. It is hard to think clearly and rationally in a crisis, so having resources available before you need them is extremely helpful.
Below are some phone numbers and websites that may be useful but there are many more.
Local Resources:
Montana Crisis Recovery:
Montana Warmline:
The Help Center:
(For survivors of domestic violence or sexual assault)
Human Resources Development Council:
National Resources:
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline:
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development:
(For housing resources)